07 Marzo 2025

Le nostre novità

results: 1-6 / 6
40 Years Modulgraf 1982-2022
10-11-2022 09:00 Source: La Repubblica - Le nostre novità
Modulgraf in 2022 celebrated 40 years of activity
Milano SIMEI 2013
26-11-2013 11:35 - Le nostre novità
We presented our ADHILA® waterproof label at a national preview.
A unique manufacturing process makes it possible to maintain the properties of adhesive labels in laid paper or felt-marked paper, without the water of the bucket or condensation causing the paper to wrinkle or come away from the bottle.
A warm thank you to our clients and visitors who came to our booth.
ADHILA SYSTEM anti-condensation label
12-06-2013 11:37 - Le nostre novità
In recent years, one of the problems expressed most by wine producers is the formation of creases in self-adhesive labels, for refrigerated and racked white wines and lately also for red wines on display in humidifier cabinets.
To overcome this unattractive problem in the past, all label producers had to rely on paper-simulating plastics or strongly-rolled paper, such as cloth-lined polished paper, etc.
Our goal was to design a system that allows the use of top quality hammered or hand-beaten p...
2013: Investing in eco-sustainability
17-01-2013 11:38 - Le nostre novità
As of January 2013 our company will be using an advanced photovoltaic system to produce electricity, with a plant that is completely invisible from the exterior. The planning and installation were carried out by the companies Solarte, AS Smontaggi and Luce. The energy produced from the renewable source will cover 60% of the company's needs.
We have also begun production with a sophisticated digital printing line which will reduce industrial waste by a good 80% compared to traditional printing ...
La Prima of WineNews – Laws and technologies in the defense of Made in Italy
09-10-2012 11:40 - Le nostre novità
What value does the uniqueness of a product have? Is it worth it to create an original item, with its own specific market, if this then results in confronting the risk of being "pseudo-copied"? Obviously the answer is yes, and this is why the fight against counterfeiting is taking more steps forward, not only in terms of the laws, but also in the technologies used to guarantee the originality of products. Prime Minister Mario Monti also stated the same: "counterfeiting of Made in Italy produc...
Official presentation of the new SONO® project
05-10-2012 11:41 - Le nostre novità
Logistics, security, marketing and traceability.
SONO® offers companies a "turn-key" package that includes labels printed with a progressive QR number, an advanced software programme for logistics management and traceability, code reading tools, potential web site updating and the possibility to modify the bottling line for automatic management of the system.
altri risultati

Modulgraf S.r.l. Unipersonale - V.le dell´Industria, 6 - 56022 Castelfranco di Sotto (Pisa)
Registro Imprese di Pisa, Codice fiscale e partita IVA 01655690509, R.E.A. Pisa n.144370 - Capitale sociale € 50.000,00 int.vers.
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